BiggerBust serum + Capsules
set for breast enlargement and firming
BiggerBust serum + Capsules
set for breast enlargement and firming
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90 caps. + 150 ml
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Bigger Bust Capsules
A dietary supplement designed to support the female figure and overall well-being. Its unique formula contains carefully selected ingredients, among which Trifolium pratense plays a key role. It is a valuable gift of nature that has been valued for centuries for its unique properties supporting breast enlargement and firming.

Trifolium pratense (Red clover) primarily:
  • Contains phytoestrogens that support the growth of breast tissue.
  • It improves skin elasticity, which affects the firmness of the breasts.
  • It supports the production of collagen, which firms the breast skin.
  • It helps maintain hormonal balance, which has a beneficial effect on breast size.
  • Moisturizes the skin, improving its appearance and firmness.
We Discover Your Preferences
Bigger Bust is a preparation that affects the size of women's breasts.
  • 91% of women* confirm the effect of Bigger Bust capsules.
  • The effect of the preparation is visible within 8 weeks in 89% of cases.
  • 52% of women noticed the first effects before the 4th week after starting the treatment.
  • The average waiting time for results is 3.8 weeks. The number of capsules taken daily influences the assessment of the effectiveness of the treatment.
*Report from the Consumer Statistics Survey - "Medica-Group" - May 2017
Check out the Report of Consumer Statistics Survey
Bigger Bust for women of all ages
Bigger Bust dla każdej kobiety
Large, firm, shapely breasts:
  • attract attention
  • can be a source of pride
  • bring pleasure
  • make women look their best
  • make men sexually aroused
  • make women look more sexy and attractive
Bigger Bust dla każdej kobiety
Innovative treatment Bigger Bust within your reach!
Bigger Bust Innowacyjna kuracja
Bigger Bust – enhanced, firmer and lifted breasts*

Supplement treatment is recognized one of non-surgical methods of breasts enhancement.

How do supplements work?
Capsules contain carefully selected plant extracts that consist phytoestrogens, compounds similar to human female hormones.  They are responsible for glandular tissue natural growth and producing new cells that make the breasts look firmer. ****

For better effects combine Bigger Bust supplement treatment and  Bigger Bust serum.
Bigger Bust Innowacyjna kuracja
Bigger Bust - Capsules
Bigger Bust kapsułki opis
Bigger Bust – dietary supplement -  contains active ingredients  based on phytoestrogens that make your breasts  look  bigger and firmer.

Phytoestrogens have similar effects as endogenous estrogens, however they have no adverse side effects as female hormones  can have. That is why they can be used by women going through the menopause, especially when HRT (hormone replacement therapy) is not recommended *.

  • 1 capsule 3 times a day taken with water.
    NOTICE – Do not exceed recommended dosage of 3 capsules a day.
  • Using 2 methods at the same time: capsules with their natural ingredients that work from the inside and serum that acts directly on your breasts, you can get the best results in a short time.
Content: 90 capsules
Bigger Bust kapsułki opis
Bigger Bust – The unique formula
  • Hop cones
    "Hops" – Universal plant product, used in medicine and beauty industry for centuries.  This natural product contains  8-PN pytoestrogens, similar to female hormone - estrogen. The medicinal benefits of hops are numerous, they help to fight various symptoms of menopause and other diseases that affect women’s health. Estrogen level can contribute to breast size. Increase your breast size with hops. Hops stimulate smooth muscles – says Jan Zaręba (66), one of the most famous experts in the herbal industry. Smooth muscles influence hormone production, including estrogens. Smooth muscle cells contract and then release hormones.  Jan Zaręba explains - hops help to relax the cells and increase hormone production. *****
  • Red clover 8% extract
    Red clovers promote natural breast enlargement. Red clovers are rich with phytoestrogens, which are useful for natural breast development.  Red clovers have been used for female oriented issues such as menopause. Red clovers help you boost your energy and make your breasts look firmer and enhanced. Jan Zaręba says: red clovers improve the performance of nipple gland tissue. *******
  • Red clover isoflavones
    The structure of isoflavones is similar to that of 17β-estradiol and they can bind to ER (estrogen receptors). They bind more weakly to ER than estradiol and their affinity to those receptors is lower. Isoflavones have lower binding affinity to ER α that to ER β, especially during or after the menopause, when the estrogen levels decrease. Isoflavones bind to estrogen receptors and exert estrogen agonist or antagonist properties very similar properties to SERMs (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator).  Isoflavones offer a number of beneficial effects to women’s health, including positive effects to blood vessels, vaginal mucous membranes, brain tissue and bone structure, without negative effects on uterus and nipple gland tissue. The studies of menopausal and postmenopausal women have shown  that taking 80 mg daily of  red clover isoflavones by mouth for 3 months decreases intensity of menopausal symptoms (Kupperman index).
  • Red clover isoflavones and nipple gland tissue:
    The mammography screening of postmenopausal women show that taking red clover isoflavones  unlike the HRT does not adversely affect breast density, that indicates no risk of breast cancer formation while taking red clover isoflavone supplementation.  Similar positive results were obtained for women with a family history of breast cancer who took 40 mg daily of red clover isoflavones for 3 years.

    The studies have shown that women with a history of breast cancer can take red clover.
  • Red clover isoflavones and skin condition:
    Research findings suggest that red clover isoflavones are effective for helping to slow down signs of aging on the skin thanks to increasing its thickness and collagen content. *
  • Soy
    Soy contains phytoestrogens. Isoflavones are a class of estrogens. Soy products are the richest source of isoflavones. Soy isoflavones are similar in structure to estrogens, hormones produced by ovary.  Phytoestrogens have an affinity to human estrogen receptors. The human estrogen receptor exists as two subtypes:  ER- alpha and ER -beta. ER-alpha receptors are located in ovaries, nipple gland and endometrium.

The studies show that phytoestrogens may lower blood cholesterol levels, improve bone strength and density and reduce risk of breast cancer.

Bigger Bust capsules ingredients
  • Hop cones 180mg /caps,
  • 8% red clover extract 100mg/caps,
  • buckwheat 50mg/caps,
  • soy 50mg/caps,
  • maize 40mg/caps,
  • oats 40mg/kaps,
  • apple fiber 20mh/kaps,
  • bulking agents
Content source:

* Efficacy Study Report - na zlecenie "Medica-Group" - May 2017.
  1. Healing properties of hops (Humulus Lupulus) M.Mielczarek, J. Kołodziejczyk, B. Olas. Borgis- Advancement in phytotherapy. , 4/2010, s. 202-210.
  2. A. Gryszczyńska, B.Gryszczyńska, B. Opala, Z. Łowicki. using plants in treatment of menopause symptomps. Cz. I. Borgis- Postępy Fititerapii, 4/2010, s.79-92.
  3. P.Badowski, B. Urbanek- Karłowska. Phytoestrogens in food. Rozczn. PZH, 2001, 52, NR 3, 203-212.
  4. E. Kwiatkowska. Phytoestrogens in food and nutritional properties. Borgis- Postępy Fititerapii, 2/2009, s. 107-212.
  5. A. Wirkijowska, Z. Rzedzicki, A. Sobota, E. Sykut-Domańska, P. Zarzycki, K. Bartoszek, E.Kuzawińska. Nutritional properties of oats. Polish Journal of Agronomy. 2016, 25, s. 41–50.
  6. Colleen E. Piersen, Phytoestrogens in Botanical Dietary Supplements: Implications for Cancer. Integrative Cancer Therapies 2(2); 2003 pp. 120-138.
*The described products (formulas) are not intended to be substitutes for professional medicine, they cannot cure, treat or prevent diseases. Don’t use if allergic to any of the ingredients of the product (formula). Ingredients, directions for use, properties, precautions, storage and EXP printed on the product (formula). You can return unopened items in new condition, in the original packaging if, according to the package leaflet, the ingredients or properties of the products (formulas) present risk to your health. Notice: The effects of the described products (formulas) may vary individually and affect the body in different ways. The manufacturer does not guarantee that every customer will achieve similar results to those achieved in the Effectiveness Report group. The effects of the described products may vary individually and depend on an individual's condition.
90 caps. + 150 ml
Product information
Do not exceed the recommended daily consumption dose. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet.


Entity responsible:
Medica-Group Sp. z o.o.
ul. Mikołaja Reja 43/1,
76-200 Słupsk, Polska
NIP: 839-317-84-36
+48 59 728 50 23

Made in Poland.

Bigger Bust helps increase your breasts size and make them firm
Feel more feminine and attractive, Bigger Bust can help you:
  • increase breasts size
  • increase breasts firmness and get a Push-Up effect
  • create a sense of wholeness of your bust after dieting
  • regenerate breasts after pregnancy and breastfeeding  
  • improve blood circulation in your breasts during menopause 
  • delay ageing process of skin around your breasts and déccoletage
  • improve texture of skin around breast area
  • moisture, tighten and smooth skin around your breasts, provide a delicate look
  • improve plumpness of your breasts
BiggerBust Serum mockup
We Discover Your Preferences
Bigger Bust is a preparation that affects the size of women's breasts.
  • 91% of women* confirm the effect of Bigger Bust capsules.
  • The effect of the preparation is visible within 8 weeks in 89% of cases.
  • 52% of women noticed the first effects before the 4th week after starting the treatment.
  • The average waiting time for results is 3.8 weeks. The number of capsules taken daily influences the assessment of the effectiveness of the treatment.
*Report from the Consumer Statistics Survey - "Medica-Group" - May 2017
Check out the Report of Consumer Statistics Survey
Bigger Bust for women of all ages
Bigger Bust dla każdej kobiety
Large, firm, shapely breasts:
  • attract attention
  • can be a source of pride
  • bring pleasure
  • make women look their best
  • make men sexually aroused
  • make women look more sexy and attractive
Bigger Bust dla każdej kobiety
Innovative treatment Bigger Bust within your reach!
Bigger Bust Innowacyjna kuracja
Bigger Bust – enhanced, firmer and lifted breasts*

Supplement treatment is recognized one of non-surgical methods of breasts enhancement.

How do supplements work?
Capsules contain carefully selected plant extracts that consist phytoestrogens, compounds similar to human female hormones.  They are responsible for glandular tissue natural growth and producing new cells that make the breasts look firmer. ****

For better effects combine Bigger Bust supplement treatment and  Bigger Bust serum.
Bigger Bust Innowacyjna kuracja
Bigger Bust - Serum
Bigger Bust Serum opis

Bigger Bust Serum designed to:

  • tone and tighten breast skin
  • enhance firmness of your breasts
  • regenerate breasts after pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • improve blood circulation in your breasts during menopause 
  • delay ageing process of skin around your breasts and déccoletage
  • keep your breasts look and feel firm
  • moisture, tighten and smooth skin around your breasts, provide a delicate look
  • improve plumpness of your breasts
Bigger Bust Serum opis
Bigger Bust Naturalny biustonosz
Subtle, invisible product that acts like a bra itself!
Bigger Bust Naturalny biustonosz
Bigger Bust Serum – innovative and unique care product, designed to enhance, firm, tone up and tighten your breasts. Carefully selected ingredients activate andipogenesis (formation of fat or fatty tissue), improve microcirculation, tighten and smooth skin around your breasts.  Bigger Bust Serum stimulates collagen synthesis  in the skin. Plant extracts provide nutrients required for metabolism of connective tissue, they stimulate the growth of tissues to give you full, firm and enhanced breasts. Bigger Bust Serum does not affect hormone level and function. The product can be used during menstruation or menopause. Recommended during  dieting to make the breasts look firm and enhanced.


  • Apply to the skin every morning and every evening after cleansing. Apply to the breast décolletage area. Apply the product by making circular movements, massage gently  from bottom to top. Fast absorbing.  Use for 6 – 8 weeks as an intensive  treatment. Not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Using 2 methods at the same time: capsules with their natural ingredients that work from the inside and serum that acts directly on your breasts, you can get the best results in a short time.
Content: 150 ml
Bigger Bust Serum One of its kind
  • Kigieline
    Kigelia Africana healing properties have been known to local African residents for centuries. Bark, pulp and leaves of Kigelia Africana contain phytoflavonoids (including lutein and quercetin) and phytosterols – substances similar in structure to female hormones, estrogens.  The research results show that they are responsible for collagen and elastin production in the skin. Kigelia Africana helps stabilize collagen fibers that support the skin, thus having a firming effect. It enhances firmness of breasts and improves its plumpness. Kigelia Africana improves firmness of neck and décolletage area.
  • Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil
    Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil is the oil expressed from the kernels of the argantree. It is considered to hydrate and nourish the skin, protect the skin from wind, sun and adverse weather. Aragan oil stops acne.  Aragan oil contains  non - saturated fatty acids and vitamin E.  It is considered to have anti-oxidant properties. Prevents premature aging of the skin. Moisturizes and protects the skin intensely. It reduces the appearance of wrinkles. Argan oil can clear clogged pores and optimize oil production by the sebaceous glands. It can protect the skin’s elasticity. Argan oil is all ages product. It decreases visibility of wrinkles and dramatically firms the skin. Beneficial for all skin types, including acne skin. Spinasterol and schottenol, two phytosterols present in argan oil, offer amazing health benefits. Argan oil has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.  It restores the skin by the regenerative rate of the healthy skin cells. It can treat eczema, reduce dryness and redness. Argan oil can be used to heal scars, burns and cellulite. Argan oil keeps the skin soft, clear, radiant and supple.  It nourishes the skin and gives protection against photo aging, sun radiation and free radicals.  Thanks to its balancing properties, it restores the skin’s hydro-lipid layer.  Argan oil has water-binding and moisturizing properties.
  • Centella asiatica
    Gotu kola (centella asiatica) is an important medicinal herb, widely used in the orient: India, Malaysia and China to cure various diseases and prevent the skin ageing processes.  It is known in some countries as a fountain of life. It offers fantastic benefits for the skin, it moisturizes the skin, makes it look firm, decreases visibility of wrinkles.  Centella asiatica improves the skin’s elasticity, appearance and comfort. Its beneficial properties help stimulate blood circulation, regenerate the skin, make it look firm. Centella asiatica helps strengthen and tone up your bust area.
  • Hydrolyzet Collagen
    Collagen is a protein that is naturally produced in the bodies of animals and is the main component of connective tissue. Collagen is hygroscopic and absorbs and retains water. It is a film-genetating, hydrophilic substance, which dissolves in the water. It offers numerous properties: retains water in the skin, moisturizes, softens and tones it up.
  • Silk proteins
    Collagen is a protein that is naturally produced in the bodies of animals and is the main component of connective tissue. Collagen is hygroscopic and absorbs and retains water. It is a film-genetating, hydrophilic substance, which dissolves in the water. It offers numerous properties: retains water in the skin, moisturizes, softens and tones it up.
  • Equisetum Arvense (Horsetail) Herb Extract
    Horsetail  (Equisetum Arvense (Horsetail) Herb Extract)  - stimulates blood circulation, helps to strengthen and firm the skin, nourishes the skin. Horsetail contains flavonoids, silica and saponins.
  • Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter
    Shea butter  is a fatty extract from the seed of the Shea nut. The Shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa)  is considered sacred in many communities around Africa. Shea butter is an off-white or ivory-colored fat that looks like butter. Shea butter can be heated up in hands to get the consistency of oil.  Shea butter offers fantastic healing and cosmetic properties. It can be mixed with  vitamin A or goat milk. Shea butter imparts radiance and improves skin texture as well as tone by boosting new skin cell regeneration. Shea butter contains vitamins A and E, which are healing and regenerative for the skin. It protects the skin against free radicals, the cold and dry weather. Shea butter is hypoallergenic, can be used to treat a variety of skin problems, including redness, rushes, dry skin. Shea butter helps diminish stretch marks.
  • Panthenol
    Panthenol is a precursor for vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid), pro-vitamin B5. Panthenol penetrates into lower skin layers, it is absorbed and  into skin cells and processed into Pantothenic Acid. Panthenol and Pantothenic Acid have similar effect. The vitamins B work in every cell. Panthenol is hydrophilic substance. Panthenol is an active ingredient for cosmetics. Panthenol has anti-inflammatory properties. Panthenol enhances the regeneration of the skin. It is used in skin and hair care products. Panthenol smoothes and softens the skin.
  • Helianthus Annus Sunflower Seed Oil
    Sunflower Seed oil is high in the unsaturated fatty acids, including linoleic acid and vitamin E.  Sunflower Seed oil strengthens the function of the skin. It softens and smoothes the skin, makes it look healthier. It has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Glycerin
    Glycerin protects the skin from damage. It hydrates the skin and fills in gaps in dryer skin. Glycerin is able to protect the skin by keeping the outer layer intact and hydrated. Glycerin can smooth and firm the skin. It has regenerative properties. Glycerin has long-term effects and contributes to skin looking healthier and smoother. It penetrates deep into the skin and keeps it hydrated for 24 hours.
  • Bigger Bust serum ingredients:
    Aqua (Water), Ethylhexyl Stearate, Propylene Glycol, Cyclopentasiloxane, Cyclohexasiloxane, Paraffinum Liquidum (Mineral Oil), Glyceryl Stearate Citrate, Kigelia Africana (Sausage Tree) Leaf Extract, Lecithin, Glycerin, Sorbitol, Panthenol, Glucose, Trilaureth-4-Phosphate, Hydrolyzed Collagen, Silk Amino Acids, Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil, Tocopheryl Acetate, Centella Asiatica (Gotu Cola) Extract, Glyceryl Stearate, Equisetum Arvense (Horsetail) Herb Extract, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Cetearyl Alcohol, Hedera Helix (Ivy) Leaf Extract, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Xanthan Gum, Phenoxyethanol, Ethylhexylglycerin, Sodium Hydroxide, Disodium EDTA, 2-Bromo-2-Nitropropane-1,3-Diol, BHA, Parfum (Fragrance), Citral, Limonene, Linalool.
Content source:

* Efficacy Study Report - na zlecenie "Medica-Group" - May 2017.
  1. Healing properties of hops (Humulus Lupulus) M.Mielczarek, J. Kołodziejczyk, B. Olas. Borgis- Advancement in phytotherapy. , 4/2010, s. 202-210.
  2. A. Gryszczyńska, B.Gryszczyńska, B. Opala, Z. Łowicki. using plants in treatment of menopause symptomps. Cz. I. Borgis- Postępy Fititerapii, 4/2010, s.79-92.
  3. P.Badowski, B. Urbanek- Karłowska. Phytoestrogens in food. Rozczn. PZH, 2001, 52, NR 3, 203-212.
  4. E. Kwiatkowska. Phytoestrogens in food and nutritional properties. Borgis- Postępy Fititerapii, 2/2009, s. 107-212.
  5. A. Wirkijowska, Z. Rzedzicki, A. Sobota, E. Sykut-Domańska, P. Zarzycki, K. Bartoszek, E.Kuzawińska. Nutritional properties of oats. Polish Journal of Agronomy. 2016, 25, s. 41–50.
  6. Colleen E. Piersen, Phytoestrogens in Botanical Dietary Supplements: Implications for Cancer. Integrative Cancer Therapies 2(2); 2003 pp. 120-138.
*The described products (formulas) are not intended to be substitutes for professional medicine, they cannot cure, treat or prevent diseases. Don’t use if allergic to any of the ingredients of the product (formula). Ingredients, directions for use, properties, precautions, storage and EXP printed on the product (formula). You can return unopened items in new condition, in the original packaging if, according to the package leaflet, the ingredients or properties of the products (formulas) present risk to your health. Notice: The effects of the described products (formulas) may vary individually and affect the body in different ways. The manufacturer does not guarantee that every customer will achieve similar results to those achieved in the Effectiveness Report group. The effects of the described products may vary individually and depend on an individual's condition.
90 caps. + 150 ml
Product information

Avoid contact with eyes. If the product causes irritation, discontinue use. Before first use, make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients. To this end, apply a small amount of product on the inside of the forearm. For external use.


Entity responsible:
Medica-Group Sp. z o.o.
ul. Mikołaja Reja 43/1,
76-200 Słupsk, Polska
NIP: 839-317-84-36
+48 59 728 50 23

Made in Poland.

* The products (preparations) described on this website do not prevent or cure diseases. Do not use in case of hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of the product (preparation). The composition, use, properties, precautions, storage and expiration date can be found on the packaging of each product (preparation). Unused products can be returned in their original and intact packaging if after receiving them and reading the leaflet or information on the packaging, you find that you cannot use these products (preparations), for example, due to their composition or properties. There is no guarantee that you will get the same results as in the study group of people from the Efficacy Study Report, the effects may vary for each individual depending on the person’s disease state, age, weight, gender, ethnicity and general health.
Copyrights © 2020 Medica Group. All rights reserved. Any other reproduction in any form without owner’s permission is prohibited.
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